Our greenest wooden floating bridge order

Our greenest wooden floating bridge order

Our greenest pontoon order

We have received an order for a wooden floating bridge in larch for Haraldsted Sø in Ringsted.

Wooden floating bridge

Ringsted has fulfilled an order for a wooden floating bridge made of larch wood. It will be 2,4m wide and 6,8m long. It will lay in Haraldsted Sø.
This will be the greenest order for floating bridges we have ever had. It is 100% chemical-free, which means that the wood has not been exposed to chemicals.

Read more about our wooden floating bridges here

Pontech floating bridge

Since the partnership with Pontech came into being in November 2022, there has been great interest in our wooden floating bridges. Which is great.
Pontech specializes in the development and supply of high-quality floating bridges. This has made them one of the Nordics’ largest floating bridge manufacturers.
You can expect to see more and more Pontech wooden sound bridges around the Danish ports, because 2023 has only just begun.
Read more about Pontech here.

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