In safe hands – collaboration between Green Harbor Technology and JT electronic
In Safe Hands
That is the motto of JT Electric who since 1972 have supplied electrical products and solutions for the aquaculture industry. Their vision is simple, yet straightforward: “They want to become the preferred supplier of electro-technical solutions.”
Successfully taking advantage of their unique situation located in the heart of the harsh and demanding environment of the North Atlantic, JT have together with Best of Breed suppliers and partners managed to produce some of the world’s best products and solutions for the aquaculture industry.
Being a preferred supplier for the aquaculture in the Faroe Islands was the first step, and JT Electric are today providing Best of Breed solutions to the aquaculture industry around the world.
Part of that “In Safe Hands” includes Best of Breed Navigational Lights for the aquaculture industry for the harshest of environments, and it our pleasure and honor that JT Electric have chosen Green Harbor Technology and SABIK Marine as their partner for the most robust and durable Selfcontained Lanterns in the industry.
In fact we just shipped the single largest order of Selfcontained Lanterns to JT Electric for use in aquaculture farms in the North Atlantic.
With these Selfcontained Lanterns supplied by Green Harbor Technology, we are all In Safe Hands – from the fish-farms themselves to the trawlers, cargo ships, cruise ships and other navigating the waters of the North Atlantic.
Kristian Andreasen, Head of Sales – JT Electric
“We chose the self-contained lanterns from GHT and SABIK Marine due to the tough environment of the North Atlantic and consequential high requirements we have for such Lanterns. In fact there is a whole family of durable lanterns we are making use of, depending upon application and range requirements.
Despite challenges getting components and raw material, GHT have proven a strong reliable partner, helping us in getting our lanterns”.
“We look forward to be working closely with GHT in the future”.
Ulrik Østergaard, CEO – Green Harbor Technology (Vikingegaarden)
“We are both glad and proud that JT Electric chose us as their partner for such important aids to Navigation (AtoN), and look forward to many more interesting projects with JT Electric going forward. Self-contained Lanterns for the harsh environment of the Nordics is especially a sweet-spot for us, and with the products and technology from SABIK Marine, we likely have the strongest portfolio on the market.”